Oh yeah. I was disappointed that I didn’t turn into Snow White in the morning, throwing open the windows and singing with the birds. I still hate getting out of bed and am grumpy as fuck. I usually have a headache too. The 4am morning anxiety has disappeared, though and that alone is worth it.

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I’m currently memoirizing my first sober year, and it’s funny how much my life and personality did not ravel back up into a shiny present I can deliver to readers. It was 100% the right decision, but also I was 100% a complete mess trying to appear like I had it all together for the sake of selling sobriety. Yesss to days spent on the couch not washing our hair. My sister and I call them our sober hangovers, and they are necessary for building up that glow that comes after. Thank you for this.

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This has been my experience, too. Thank you for shining a light on the fact that we can so easily romanticize sober living the same way as we once romanticized (and may still) drinking. Our patterns are still there - waving at us. 👋Hi - still me. Even when I’m sober AF.

Thanks, Mia 🙏🏼

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Only when you wrote this, did I realize that whenever I speak about "romanticizing" drinking or not drinking, it is often in a negative way - this gave me pause. I think where I am right now, I could use a little romanticizing of this AF life that I so meticulously have carved out for myself.

Thank you, this comment gave me a shift in perspective, even if we were speaking to the romanticizing in a way where we expect too much. It is something that I am going to chew on today. xx, M

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I like that reframe, too. It is a sort of permission slip. Allowing ourselves to BE romantic and appreciate the relationship (with ourselves!) that we’ve, as you said, meticulously carved out. And it’s one (at least for me) that wouldn’t be possible if I were still drinking.

Thanks, Mia.

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I love this. I often wonder if I seem manic because I post this roller coaster of emotions and feelings and blahs. I appreciate when you say it's hard and not all lollipops and rainbows.

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Listen you gotta do what you feel is best. I personally am quite private believe it or not and tend to lean hard into the positive. And when I am not feeling all that positive, I ride that wave as well, but with less public viewing. I have always been a firm believer in knowing that I don't have to air all my dirty laundry to be relatable or relevant. I get to share what I want, and everything else is my business. The only thing that would make me an asshole about all this - is if I lie and say I don't feel all those other things. You know what I mean?

xx, m

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I loved this, Mia: "Life gets full technicolor when you quit drinking." So true.

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Indeed :) xx m

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This is so true and such a great reminder. Thank you

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I think we can all use the reminder every once in a while. High five to you! xx m

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I loved this. TY.

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Mar 17Edited

You're welcome - thanks for being here. xx m

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