Very nicely expressed. Stopping drinking is like being reborn. Navigating sobriety this late in life is interesting, tough, rough, enlightening, freeing, and many more adjectives. 66 years young, 8 months sober this time, starting over. Thank you, and thank god.
Thank you for reminding me " fine" is my favorite type of gel pen not the standard for living my best life.
Gratitude galore to you Mia for telling us how the cow ate the cabbage and giving us courage to live authentically and truly find our own bliss moment by moment.
Congratulations! I completed my first year on August 25th! Your writing gave me so much courage when I started on this journey. Thank you for your words!
Honestly whilst I was reading this I was re-writing my version to myself in my head. So completely relatable in broad terms - thank you for writing it.
I'm just over a year alcohol free and my life is completely different and yet to most of the outside world it just doesn't look it. There is no dramatic before and after I stopped drinking external visual of dramatic weight loss or new fitness regime or new relationship, but internally I am unrecognisable and I guess only some of that is obvious to the outside world. I look better, my fitness was really good but now I'm authentic with it, I get up 2 hours earlier than I used to, I'm (to use the overused description) present for my family, I like myself, I have confidence, I am training to be a mid-life coach, I'm learning new skills, I've met and connected with people from all over world whilst training and I have a feeling of calm and happiness. Life feels full of possibilities and I have an optimistic outlook - I am no longer marking time as my fifties progress and I no longer measure how good life is by how well other people in my family are. I am far more self sufficient. 100% of this is down to the fact that at age 54 years and 2 months I looked in the mirror one Sunday morning and said "I don't drink" - it set me free and gave me a new lease of life.
Reading how you articulated the 'just fine' has been a great reminder of how far I've come as I look to start a new venture which is at times overwhelming but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for sharing your story.
Oh Jo, what a wonderful comment, thank you. The internal shift is truly where it's at. There is so much that has changed for me and noone on the outside will ever fully see or understand that (and that is beautiful on it's own, like our little secret). Calm, happiness, confidence, less worry, more presence......all of it! Thank you so very much for being here and taking the time to write. XX Mia
This piece is so timely for me, as I'm on that cargo ship doing a turnabout and digging deep into the path i've been on and exploring the path I want to be on. Thank you for your glorious words that fill me with validation and inspiration.
Even though I haven’t fully been able to get on board with what you are out here inspiring others to do I just want you to know that I am also inspired and know that one day it will be my “day one” as well. Thank you so much for being you and sharing all that you do.🩵
One day yes. I love that you are still here reading even if you haven't stopped drinking. This place was never intended only for women who don't drink. We all start somewhere. We all had a day one. Thank you honestly for being here, XX Mia
Hi Cindy, yes, it actually took awhile to miss writing. But I can feel the call again, which feels really nice. Thank you always for being here - Also, coconut oil :)
Very nicely expressed. Stopping drinking is like being reborn. Navigating sobriety this late in life is interesting, tough, rough, enlightening, freeing, and many more adjectives. 66 years young, 8 months sober this time, starting over. Thank you, and thank god.
Congratulation on nine years, Mia!!! Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you Kaitlyn for taking the time to read it all :) xx m
I love everything about this post!
Thank you so much Samantha! xx m
Thank you for reminding me " fine" is my favorite type of gel pen not the standard for living my best life.
Gratitude galore to you Mia for telling us how the cow ate the cabbage and giving us courage to live authentically and truly find our own bliss moment by moment.
Namafuckinste xo
That's right my friend! xx M
Congratulations! I completed my first year on August 25th! Your writing gave me so much courage when I started on this journey. Thank you for your words!
Hi Jessica, thank you! And WOW one year is so important and potent. I hope you feel so over the moon proud of yourself! XX Mia
Happy SoBerthday, bb! Mine is Nov 30, 2015. So glad our paths intersected 🤘🏽
We spent your 1 year together listening to our friend Lisa speak. I remember that night fondly. Sending you love, XX Mia
Yesssss I still have the photo! Lisa gave me her 1 year chip. Such a truly special night.
Mia, Thank you for sharing this! I just had my 4 year anniversary of being alcohol free on the 7th.
Hi April thank you for reading and big congrats to you on 4 years!!! xoxo Mia
Oh Mia - this completely nails it.
Honestly whilst I was reading this I was re-writing my version to myself in my head. So completely relatable in broad terms - thank you for writing it.
I'm just over a year alcohol free and my life is completely different and yet to most of the outside world it just doesn't look it. There is no dramatic before and after I stopped drinking external visual of dramatic weight loss or new fitness regime or new relationship, but internally I am unrecognisable and I guess only some of that is obvious to the outside world. I look better, my fitness was really good but now I'm authentic with it, I get up 2 hours earlier than I used to, I'm (to use the overused description) present for my family, I like myself, I have confidence, I am training to be a mid-life coach, I'm learning new skills, I've met and connected with people from all over world whilst training and I have a feeling of calm and happiness. Life feels full of possibilities and I have an optimistic outlook - I am no longer marking time as my fifties progress and I no longer measure how good life is by how well other people in my family are. I am far more self sufficient. 100% of this is down to the fact that at age 54 years and 2 months I looked in the mirror one Sunday morning and said "I don't drink" - it set me free and gave me a new lease of life.
Reading how you articulated the 'just fine' has been a great reminder of how far I've come as I look to start a new venture which is at times overwhelming but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for sharing your story.
Oh Jo, what a wonderful comment, thank you. The internal shift is truly where it's at. There is so much that has changed for me and noone on the outside will ever fully see or understand that (and that is beautiful on it's own, like our little secret). Calm, happiness, confidence, less worry, more presence......all of it! Thank you so very much for being here and taking the time to write. XX Mia
This piece is so timely for me, as I'm on that cargo ship doing a turnabout and digging deep into the path i've been on and exploring the path I want to be on. Thank you for your glorious words that fill me with validation and inspiration.
I love this. Enjoy the exploration, the time is so precious. One day you will look back and fully recognize it as well. XX Mia
Glad you are back, Mia. Congrats on 9 years. I love your writing. 💜
Thank you always Tracy for your friendship. I have loved getting to know you more and more over the years. XX Mia
Congrats on 9 years, Mia! Here’s to choosing more than just “fine.”
Dana! Thank you so much for your support. You are fantastic! XX Mia
My love Kelly
Always so proud of you <3
Thank you so much KC
Even though I haven’t fully been able to get on board with what you are out here inspiring others to do I just want you to know that I am also inspired and know that one day it will be my “day one” as well. Thank you so much for being you and sharing all that you do.🩵
One day yes. I love that you are still here reading even if you haven't stopped drinking. This place was never intended only for women who don't drink. We all start somewhere. We all had a day one. Thank you honestly for being here, XX Mia
This is just so lovely. It’s nice to have you back. It looks like your time away served you well. Can I just say you have the prettiest glowing skin.
Hi Cindy, yes, it actually took awhile to miss writing. But I can feel the call again, which feels really nice. Thank you always for being here - Also, coconut oil :)
Beautiful writing; as always-thanks for sharing so much of yourself with strangers...
Adelle, I appreciate you giving your time and your wonderful engagement with me. XX Mia