Thank you for sharing the Torres’ Go Fund Me link. I love the idea of “Do for one family what you wish you could do for everyone.” I know this will be a long road for the Torres’ and wish them all the best. Mia, I am glad you are safe.
I am actively trying not to freeze because it's overwhelming. Thank you for being here and for reading their story. I know that this community is already helping. Thank you
Thank you for sharing. I’ve driven by their location many times. I’m glad they & their pups got away safely.
Thank you for sharing the Torres’ Go Fund Me link. I love the idea of “Do for one family what you wish you could do for everyone.” I know this will be a long road for the Torres’ and wish them all the best. Mia, I am glad you are safe.
I am actively trying not to freeze because it's overwhelming. Thank you for being here and for reading their story. I know that this community is already helping. Thank you
Poor people glad you are trying to help 🙏
They are good, strong people; I know they will get through this. This community is already helping. Thank you!
I donated a small amount. 🙏
Thank you Beatriz, it means a lot.